Press information
Lietuvas robeža

On Tuesday, August 11, the Cabinet of Ministers approved new authorized representatives on the Latvian border. In order to implement the functions intended for the Republic of Latvia, determined in accordance with international agreements concluded with neighboring countries, authorized border representatives of the Republic of Latvia and their deputies shall be appointed from among border guards at specific sections of the state border.

Oļegs Jemašnovs, Head of the Daugavpils Department of the State Border Guard, was confirmed as the authorized border representative of the Republic of Latvia on the state border of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Belarus.

Varis Pētersons, Head of the Viļaka Department of the State Border Guard, was confirmed as the authorized border representative of the Republic of Latvia on the state border of the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation.

Mareks Ļahnovičs, Deputy Head of the Viļaka Department of the State Border Guard (for border control and immigration issues), was approved as the authorized border representative of the Republic of Latvia on the state border of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Estonia.

And Ojārs Kārkliņš, the Head of the Rīga Border Guard, was confirmed as the authorized border representative of the Republic of Latvia on the state border of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania.


Prepared by:

Samanta Nalivaiko

Communication Division of the Ministry of the Interior

Public Relations Specialist

Tel .: 67219082
