
On Monday, July 20, the border guards detained another bribe-giver at the Pāternieki border checkpoint - by giving a bribe in the amount of 100 euros, the Belarusian citizen tried to bribe the border guards.

During the border check of vehicles crossing the state border, the border guards found a citizen of Belarus entering Latvia by minibus, who did not present the technical inspection documents of the driven vehicle to the border guards. At the request of the border guards to present the above-mentioned documents, the man submitted questionnaires to the border guards, which the persons fill in upon entering Latvia, between which a 100 euro banknote was inserted.

The man gave a bribe to cross the state border without the technical inspection documents of the minibus.

Criminal proceedings were initiated for bribery against a suspected Belarusian citizen born in 1987 in accordance with Section 323, Paragraph one of the Criminal Law, while in the Kraslava District Prosecutor's Office the person was prosecuted by concluding an agreement with the prosecutor on admission of guilt and a fine of 10 minimum monthly salary (4,300 euros), which will take effect within 10 days of the court's conviction.

Bribery qualifies as a serious crime punishable by up to five years' imprisonment, temporary deprivation of liberty, forced labor or a fine of ten to two thousand minimum monthly wages set by the Republic of Latvia in accordance with the Latvian Criminal Law.


The information was prepared by: Jolanta Babiško, Senior Specialist, Strategic Development and Public Relations Division, Main Department of the State Border Guard, phone: 67075617, 20364206, e-mail: