
On Tuesday, July 14, in Kraslava district, Robežnieki parish, border guards seized 60 thousand cigarettes "Premjer" with Belarusian excise stamps.

Officials of the border guarding division of border guards, examining information regarding the illegal movement of excisable goods, in the parish of the border department, in the border area, approximately 400 m from the State border, detained two Latvian citizens who moved four packages wrapped in black polyethylene film. In total, the border guards removed 60 000 cigarettes in the “Prime Minister” with Belarusian excise stamps.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated following the second paragraph of Section 190 of the Criminal Law (regarding the import into or removal from the customs territory of the Republic of Latvia of goods or other values subject to customs clearance, bypassing customs control or concealing them from such control, or by not declaring or using falsified customs or other documents or other illegal means (smuggling), if it has been committed to a significant extent in the group of persons, subject to prior agreement). Detained persons have been identified as suspects and are eligible for non-custodial security measures.

The two referred to persons will also be held under administrative responsibility after Section 36 of the State Border Law of the Republic of Latvia (regarding violation of the regime of the State border zone, border zone, border border or border crossing point).


Prepared by: Jolanta Babiško, 
senior specialist of the Strategic Development and Public Relations Division 
of the State Border Guard, 
Tel. 67075617, 20364206, 