Valsts policija

On July 1 this year, officials of the Criminal Police Administration of the State Police in Riga Region have been identified and suspended during the investigation activities in criminal proceedings. The law guards identified a laboratory in which a drug containing isotonitazen was found. Three persons were detained in connection with the incident.

In July this year, the legal guards removed 1.1 kg of isootonitazene containing substances with an estimated market value of EUR 110 000 from the illegal movement. The effects of isotoniazene on the human body are more severe than heroin, and the effects of its use are more significant, more severe and long-term.

Police officers detained three persons – men born in 1958, 1968 and 1972, who took a leading role in the spread of isotonitazene in the territory of Latvia. Two persons were detained in a laboratory involving the packaging and packaging of the withdrawn substance for further disposal, the persons mentioned have not previously come to the attention of the police. On the other hand, a third party who is most likely to be the organiser of the group has previously come under police scrutiny and has been punished for murder in particularly aggravated circumstances.

The person has been in jail for nine years and was released in 2017 in criminal proceedings following the third paragraph of Article 253/1 of the Criminal Law, namely the unauthorised purchase, storage, transfer and unauthorised disposal of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, if committed in large quantities. This crime shall be punished by deprivation of liberty for a period of five to 15 years, by confiscating property or without seizure of property, and by supervision of probation for a period of up to three years. Two persons have a suitable means of security: arrest and non-custodial security for a third party. “Combating narcotics is one of the priorities of the State Police. Given that the substance is only entering the Latvian market and only five withdrawals have been identified, it is important to identify and suspend the distribution of the substance. Therefore, we call on citizens to be responsible and to report actively on drug trafficking sites by calling the police on the phone number 110,” – says Andrejs Sozinov, Chief of the Criminal Police Administration of the State Police Riga Region.

Prepared by: 
Krista Andersone 
Senior Specialist of the Public Relations Department 
of the State Police
tel. 67075088 
Mob.: (+371) 27876309