
On Monday, August 24, the State Police received information about the theft of a BMW brand car from a car service. . Thanks to a GPS signal that has shown that the car is not in the motor service, the injured person has found that the car is stolen. Police officers found out the location of the car, watching the car show that a person who got into the car came to it.

Police officers identified the exact location of the car and immediately went to the alleged location of the car. . Observing the stolen car, it was found that a young man came to it and entered it.

Employees of the Riga Zemgale precinct of the Riga Regional Administration, in cooperation with the employees of Section 3 of the Criminal Police Administration of the Riga Regional Administration, detained two young people who were born in 2002. Both parties have not previously entered the circle of police vision.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated following the third paragraph of Article 175 of the Criminal Law on the theft of a vehicle. . Such a crime shall be punished by deprivation of liberty for a period of up to five years or by temporary deprivation of liberty or by forced labour or by a fine for confiscating property or without confiscation of property. The car has been returned to the owner.

One of the persons has been sentenced to a security measure - a ban on leaving the country and the notification of changes of residence.