
This year On August 21, the 38th graduation of the First Company Cadets of the Vocational Education Service took place at the State Border Guard College, which was graduated by 60 cadets and 2 students of the previous academic year.

During one year of training in the State Border Guard College Professional Continuing Education Program “Border Guard”, these cadets studied 21 general education subjects related to the border guard sector and the military, as well as strengthened their knowledge in qualification practice in various structural units of the State Border Guard. The cadets concluded the educational process with a state examination, where they demonstrated both their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

During the ceremony, the cadets were honored by the presence of the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior of Latvia Dimitrijs Trofimovs, the Chief of the State Border Guard General Guntis Pujāts and the Chiefs of the State Border Guard Territorial Administrations, as well as the graduates by Chief Lieutenant Rinalds Broks.

In his address, Colonel Mariks Petrušins, Director of the State Border Guard College, revealed that due to the declared emergency situation in the country, this academic year was difficult and full of challenges. In order to ensure the containment of COVID-19, the College had to restructure the study and learning process from face-to-face to online learning in a short period of time from 13 March 2020 and was able to adapt quickly using modern digital communication capabilities, while trying not to lose knowledge.  Despite the distance learning process, the cadets showed very good knowledge results - 39% of this year's graduates passed the state examination with very good and excellent marks, and in the cadet groups the total average score was 7.3%.

Addressing the new border guards, General Guntis Pujāts, the head of the State Border Guard, informed that the State Border Guard is currently taking steps to soon renew the border allowances for border guards and have a new design, service uniforms.

Colonel Mariks Petrušins, Director of the State Border Guard College, wishing success and growth in the service, presented the cadets with state-recognized educational documents - professional qualification certificates, while General Chief of the State Border Guard General Guntis Pujāts - “Service Corporal”.

Traditionally, at the end of each academic year, the State Border Guard College evaluates the educational achievements of the students, their initiative, dedication and personal contribution to the development of the college and nominates the best border guards of the State Border Guard College of the year. At the graduation ceremony, the director of the college, Colonel M. Petrušins, also honored the 3 best border guards:

- in connection with the nomination for the title of “Best Border Guard of the State Border Guard College”, awarding the award “Honorary Letter of the State Border Guard College” to Artūrs Aņisimovs, a spokesman for the First Training Company Cadet of the Vocational Education Service of the State Border Guard College;

- awarding the honorary title “Best Study Group Senior of the Year: First Study Decoration”, a cash prize of 100 euros and presenting the “Certificate of Recognition of the State Border Guard College” to Daniels Garančs, a spokesman for the First Study Company of the State Border Guard College Vocational Education Service;

- awarding the honorary title “Best Cadet of the Year: First Study Decoration”, additional leave for 3 calendar days, “Letter of Thanks from the State Border Guard College” to Raimonds Andžāns, a spokesman for the First Study Decoration Cadet of the Vocational Education Service of the State Border Guard College.

At the end of the event, everyone present was delighted by the musical performance of the State Border Guard Choir, conducted by choir conductor Kristīne Zeltiņa and concertmaster Arno Everss.

After graduating from the college, the new border guards, taking the position of the youngest inspector or inspector, will continue to perform the duties of the service in one of the structural units of the State Border Guard. Good luck in the service!