
National Police has recently increasingly received information from residents about the fact that unknown persons are calling and trying to lure out their internet banking and payment card access data. There are parts of the population who have not fallen into the trap of fraudsters, but have informed the law-enforcement about this type of fraud, but there are some people who, unfortunately, have been cheated. In most cases, fraudsters have been assigned to Swedbank employees, but there may also be situations where fraudsters present themselves as representatives of other banks. State police remind residents to be careful and not to engage in questionable deals.

The police are increasingly targeted by citizens who have suffered from fraudsters who have called and assigned to the employees of the bank, including even the name, surname, personal code, the name of the online bank user who has been called. During a call, the party shall inform the person of a suspected transaction in the bank account and, in order to cancel it, ask him to name the card number, PIN code and other sensitive information. Fraudsters aim to get other people's access tools – user name, passwords, payment card data, SmartID pin codes to later gain access to the individual's electronic financials and transfer them to foreign accounts that are very difficult to track.

State Police recalls that the bank's employees will never remotely be required to carry out such activities, namely to provide the above data during a telephone call. If a suspicious call, email or any other information is received, contact the bank immediately. Similarly, in cases where a similar request is made, the police must be informed of this by recording the phone number from which the call was received.

State Police calls on residents to be careful and under no circumstances to entrust their personal data to other people. The law guards also ask no one to disclose their Internet bank password and access codes, as well as not to send such data in electronic letters. The most common cases are due to overconfidence and carelessness of people. State police remind residents to be careful and not to engage in questionable deals.