Press information
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policijas mašīnas

On Tuesday, July 6, the Cabinet of Ministers reviewed the report of the Ministry of the Interior “On the Lease of Vehicles Necessary for Ensuring the State Police Functions for 2022 and Subsequent Years”, which enables the Ministry of the Interior to - for 2027, taking into account that the term of vehicle rental provided for in the previously concluded agreements expires.

The Ministry of the Interior (the State Police) may enter into a procurement contract for the lease of vehicles necessary for the provision of the functions of the State Police for 2022-2027 only if the allocation of additional funding for this purpose has been supported.

However, it should be noted that the government will still decide on the allocation of additional funding for the procurement of road transport during the preparation of the national budget.

From 2021, the lease term for 810 vehicles owned by State Police (SP) will gradually expire; In 2021, the lease term expires for 70% of vehicles owned by the SP. Therefore, in order to ensure the continuity of the provision and performance of the SP's functions, it is necessary to immediately start the procurement procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Law.

To address the issue of providing the State Police with vehicles, the State Police not only leases vehicles but conducts the redemptions of vehicles expiring. .

Taking into account the expiration dates of the concluded lease agreements, as well as the number of vehicles required to ensure the functions of the State Police, which are planned to be leased from 2022 (503 vehicles in total), financing in the amount of 24,976,200 euros is required, including by year: EUR 3,181,300; In 2023: EUR 4,995,240; In 2024: EUR 4,995,240; In 2025: EUR 4,995,240; In 2026: EUR 4,995,240; In 2027: EUR 1,813,940.


Prepared by:
Communications Department of the Ministry of the Interior