Press information
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On Tuesday, 28 May, the Cabinet of Ministers took note of the information report of the Ministry of the Interior “On the current situation in the provision of support to the civilian population of Ukraine”, which summarises data on the support provided to the civilian population of Ukraine in 2023 and 2024, as well as outlines proposals for future support activities by individual state institutions. In this context, the Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with other relevant authorities, will start work on a support action plan for 2025.

Currently, the Register of Natural Persons includes 44 961 Ukrainian civilians who have been granted temporary protection status in Latvia, of whom 61% are women and 39% men.

A total of 64 633 residence permits have been issued to Ukrainian civilians since the beginning of the war. Until January 2024, the majority of the residence permits issued were re-issued, which is explained by the fact that the validity period of the residence permits issued in 2022 expired in 2023 (since 01.01.2023, Ukrainian civilians are issued residence permits with a validity period of 2 years). However, from February 2024, there has been an increase in the issuance of first residence permits, which exceeded the number of re-issued residence permits in the first four months of 2024.

6457 Ukrainian citizens have crossed the border into Latvia. The flow remains moderate and stable, but significantly lower than in 2023, when 40 496 Ukrainian citizens arrived in the same period (16% in 2024 compared to the same period in 2023).

The planned funding to support Ukraine in 2024 is EUR 70 000 000 (in comparison with previous years: EUR 71 139 692 — in 2023 and EUR 78 501 827 — in 2022).

As of 19 April 2024, 3 139 employers have declared current employment relationships with 8 788 Ukrainian civilians, in 9 233 workplaces. The most common occupations in February 2024 are cleaner, domestic worker, salesman, workshop worker and cook. As of 24 April 2024, 27 764 Ukrainian civilians are registered with the State Employment Agency, including 8 534 Ukrainian civilians granted the status of unemployed.

The full presentation can be found here.


Prepared by:
Ministry of the Interior
Communication Department