
In the first half of 2020, has nearly halved the number of infringements detected with presence detection systems on the “green” border compared to last year's corresponding period.

In the first half of 2020, 23 border violations of the border zone regime at the external borders were detected with the help of presence detection systems, while in the first six months of last year, the 12 violations mentioned above were detected with the help of presence detection systems.

If in the first half of last year no cases of illegal crossing of the “green” border were detected with the presence detection systems, then this year already in the respective period two cases of illegal crossing of the “green” border have been detected.

The State Border Guard is constantly replenishing the resources of special technical means. Also this year, the existing range of presence detection systems was supplemented with equipment donated by the USA.

Prepared by: Jolanta Babiško
Senior specialist of the Strategic Development and Public Relations Division of the State Border Guard, 
Tel. 67075617, 20364206,