
During the last two months, the number of apartment thefts in the center of Riga had increased. During daylight hours, while the owners were not at home, the doors of the apartments were broken and various valuable, easily carried things were stolen from them - computers, jewelry and money.

During a set of operative search measures, on August 12 of this year, the law enforcement officers of the 2nd Bureau of the Criminal Police Department of the Riga Regional Office of the State Police detained a man born in 1983 on suspicion of theft. The man was captured immediately after stealing an apartment in Riga, Blaumaņa Street, and left the house. Stolen belongings were found near him - a laptop and 65 euros. The information at the disposal of the police shows that he also broke down the door of a neighboring apartment on Blaumaņa Street, but, considering that he had not found anything to steal, he left it empty-handed.

During the investigation, the police have found out that the detained man may have committed 15 thefts from apartments in Old Riga and elsewhere in the center of Riga this summer.

Police are currently explaining where he sold the stolen items.

It should be noted that the detained man has previously been convicted of theft from apartments and crimes related to drug trafficking. The man was sentenced to prison at the end of last year for previous crimes.

In connection with the crimes committed this summer, 15 criminal proceedings have been initiated, which are qualified according to Section 175, Paragraph three of the Criminal Law (for theft if it is committed upon entering the premises) and Section 185, Paragraph one of the Criminal Law (for intentional damage to other property).

On August 14, the court remanded the suspect in custody.

The State Police calls on the residents to take care of the security of their property - to install high-quality iron doors in the dwelling, as well as to think about the usefulness of installing video surveillance and alarm systems. An economical and simple solution is to install a door eyepiece camera. The doors must always be locked and the first floor windows and balconies must not be left open when going to bed or leaving the property. Valuables must not be stored in the hallway and in places easily accessible to thieves, including on balconies and in common areas. It is recommended to keep valuables and money in a quality safe attached to the floor or load-bearing wall.