
In the period from July 20 this year at 06.30 to July 21 at 06.30, the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) received 59 calls, of which 23 were for fires, including extinguishing one forest fire, 26 for rescue operations, and nine of the calls were deceptions.

Yesterday at 14.08 VUGD received a call to Rundāle parish of Rundāle district, where 0.1 m2 of food burned on the stove in an apartment house. A man was evacuated from the smoked apartment. At 14.38 the fire was extinguished. A smoke detector was not installed in the apartment where the fire broke out.

At 10.59, firefighters rushed to the call in Riga, where an electric appliance and furniture of 2 m2 burned in the kitchen of the ground floor apartment of a four-storey residential house. A man who had been injured was rescued from the smoked apartment and handed over to the staff of the Emergency Medical Service. At 11.33 the fire was extinguished.

Firefighters and rescuers also went to calls where garbage burned, food burned in three cases, a flower box on the balcony, a wood shed, a pile of twigs and straw, a power line support pole, and household items in an underground bunker.

There were rescued helpless animals, too: firefighters in Riga removed an injured bird from the fifth floor balcony, as well as released a bird that fell in a ventilation shaft, released a cat trapped in a firewood in Jaunjelgava region, and removed a cat from a tree in Riga. In three cases, the help of fire and rescue workers was needed to capture the snakes - in Daugavpils the snake was taken out of the basement, in Jēkabpils from the staircase, but in Rēzekne the snake was lifted from a well and released into the forest.



Prepared by: Prevention and Public Information Division