
In view of the fact that the harvest season in Latvia is in full swing, the police recall a criminal trend observed in previous years – cheating grain and other products grown. . State police call on the hosts to carefully evaluate the counterparty and remember that an unusually low, market-priced purchase or sale price may mean a risk of becoming a victim of fraud.

In previous years, cases have been reported during the grain-culling season – in the middle of summer and at the end of summer, when people have committed fraud when they ask for grain or other harvest collectors. . In general, criminals use a similar scheme: when targeting a company, the villains turn to farmers individually, or place purchase advertisements, offering to purchase agricultural products at a price usually higher than the market price.. This creates a deceptive impression that the transaction will be beneficial. . The false shopper agrees with the seller that the packing slip will be signed at the time of receipt of the grain and the payment will be made in the coming days. However, it does not pay for the goods. The fraudsters then sell their products on a criminal basis. . To create confidence in the population, fraudsters tend to even establish a company, fake documents and stamp.

For example, during the last year's harvest season, agricultural production of at least EUR 100 000 was defrauded from farmers. In Latvia, both grain and other agricultural products have been defrauded to the owners in different places. . It has already been reported that in previous years a number of persons had been detained by the State Police..

Fortunately, this year the State Police has not yet received information on similar fraud cases, but caution remains to be followed. .

State police are asking farmers to make sure the company that offers to buy their output is on the Enterprise Register and how long it works. . We also recommend that you check your company-specific feedback. On the other hand, it is recommended that persons who have entered into the transaction be required to produce a personal identification document. . The seller can also contact the company represented by the buyer and see if the person actually works there. Relying on unusually advantageous, market-priced purchase or sale offers often means the risk of becoming a victim of fraud.



Prepared by:

Gita Gžibovska

National police

Public relations departments

senior specialist

Talr. . 67075264

Mob. 27878155