Press information

On 10 September, the Cabinet of Ministers issued an order on the deployment of State Police officials with special service ranks Gunārs Jankevičs (from 17.09.2024 to 16.09.2026) and Oļegs Lagutins (from 07.01.2025 to 06.01.2025) for participation in the European Union (EU) Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia).

Latvia continues to support international efforts to strengthen security and promote stability by participating in UN, EU, OSCE and NATO missions and operations. Up to 30 civilian experts are deployed each year to participate in international missions.

Currently, 17 Latvian civilian seconded experts are participating in EU civilian international missions, including 12 – in the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia), 4 – in the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine) and 1 – in the European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA).

Officials of the State Police and the State Border Guard have been contributing professionally to EUMM Georgia for several years.

The EUMM Georgia is an unarmed observation mission which started its work on 1 October 2008 in accordance with the 12 August 2008 agreement between Russia and Georgia, in which the EU played a mediation role, and the European Security and Defence Policy Decision adopted on 8 September 2008. Its mission is to contribute to stability throughout Georgia and the surrounding region.