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Kampaņa par palīdzēšanu operatīvajiem dienestiem

On December 11, the State Police, in cooperation with the State Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) and the State Emergency Medical Service (EMS), launches a safety campaign “Do not get in the way. Help those who help! ”. The campaign will remind the general public of the reasons for the rush of emergency vehicles and why it is critical for services to arrive on time, simultaneously calling on everyone to take action not to delay emergency transport.

There are more than 800 thousand drivers in Latvia, and yet it must be concluded that some drivers behave irresponsibly towards compliance with road traffic regulations, including giving way to an emergency vehicle. Non-compliance with the rules directly against the emergency vehicle is a potential threat to society, as their calls are life-saving. Drivers' attitudes, ignorance or unintentional forgetting of rules can be a threat to general traffic, public safety and other road users.

"Every minute is important for operative services to arrive at their destination on time and without delay. By emphasizing the concept of help, we not only recall the purpose of the emergency vehicle, but also bring to each person a well-known sense of fulfillment that takes over when doing a good job. In this case, help takes the form of not getting in the way of those in a hurry to help. We call on every member of society to be aware of their active role in road traffic, including in the efforts of emergency transport to help those in accident. It does not take much for public involvement or help - just do not stand in the way of those who are in a hurry to help,” says Mr Normunds Krapsis,  the head of the Main Police Department of the Order. 

"In a hurry to extinguish fires or rescue work, it is very important for fire-fighters and rescue workers to get as close and quick as possible to the place of the event, and it is often these seconds that are wasted in traffic are really important. Whenever you park your vehicle or delay an emergency transport on the road, think about it - maybe in a similar case, these obstacles in the traffic will detain firefighters from helping you or your loved ones” emphasizes Mr Mārtiņš Baltmanis, Deputy Head of SFRS.

Whereas, the director of EMS Liene Cipule reminds that in cases of unconsciousness, cardiac arrest, severe injuries or other life-threatening situations, every minute and sometimes even a second can be critical. "When an ambulance crew rushes to the call with the lights on, this moment has a price of life. This should be understood by every driver, cyclist and pedestrian, who often rushes across the street at the last minute. Please, remember that everyone on the road is involved in the process of helping, because everyone can help our doctors get on the road faster. We want to rely on the involvement of other traffic participants to get to the destination faster for the patient who is waiting for us. Please, let’s understand and  help people in accidents together!

During the campaign, special warning tickets will be available with a "Don't get in the way!" emergency service reminder. The tickets are designed to remind traffic participants to remember themselves and, if necessary, to remind others not to "get in the way" for emergency transport by placing the ticket behind the car's windshield wiper blade. These tickets will be distributed by the representatives of the State Police, SFRS and EMS, as well as they will be available at Circle K petrol stations throughout Latvia. The Road Traffic Safety Directorate will present this special ticket to each new driver's license holder.

An environmental installation has been installed to visualize the daily life of emergency vehicles and the obstacles that services have to face as they rush to the rescue, in the center of Riga, at the intersection of Satekles Street and Aspazijas Boulevard. Its central element is the vehicle, which symbolizes that any vehicle, if it does not give way to an emergency vehicle or is incorrectly parked, can become an obstacle for those in a hurry to help and for whom every minute is critical.

The road safety campaign “Don't get in the way. Help those who help! ” is organized by the State Police in cooperation with the State Fire and Rescue Service and the Emergency Medical Service, the Road Traffic Safety Directorate and Circle K Latvia. The campaign is funded by the Latvian Motor Insurers' Bureau.

Kampaņa par palīdzēšanu operatīvajiem dienestiem