Press information
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Valiant Richey, Special Representative of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, Tarana Bagirova and Evan Karr from the OSCE Coordination Office for Action against Trafficking in Human Beings visited Latvia. The aim of the visit was to assess the country’s capacity to implement the OSCE Policy on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings by meeting face-to-face with professionals involved in preventing, combating and supporting trafficking in human beings in Latvia.

I am pleased to be part of this visit and to be able to talk about what has already been done to prevent trafficking in human beings in Latvia, as well as about future plans to continue this fight. We are particularly monitoring this area in relation to Ukrainian civilians fleeing the war. We need to make sure that all the responsible state institutions are involved so that these people do not fall into the trap of traffickers. We will also strengthen the security of the digital environment, and I hope that the Internet Police - an initiative we launched in 2022 - will be one of the most effective solutions to reduce human trafficking crimes also in the virtual environment,” noted the Minister of the Interior, Marija Golubeva, after the meeting.  

Overall, OSCE experts welcomed the progress made in Latvia in preventing labour exploitation, investigating trafficking in human beings, and seizing and confiscating illicitly obtained funds. The cooperation with “MARTA Centre” and “Shelter “Safe House”” was also appreciated, both in identifying victims of human trafficking and providing them with social rehabilitation services.

OSCE representatives expressed concern about the low number of identified cases of trafficking in human beings involving the sexual exploitation of children, as well as the excessive length of the trial phase, during which victims have to give evidence repeatedly, thus forcing the victim to relive what happened. In June 2021, Latvia launched the Children’s House project, which will lead to the introduction of a one-stop support institution for victims of violence. The Children’s House (Barnahus) is a globally recognized model of inter-agency and inter-institutional cooperation, with a special focus on the best interests of the child victim and a maximally caring approach in the event that law enforcement intervention is required.

Reflecting on the immediate future, OSCE representatives called for strengthening the fight against the use of digital tools for recruitment and trafficking. The Special Representative also drew attention to the situation that may arise with the flow of Ukrainian refugees, noting that there are risks of both trafficking for sexual exploitation and labour exploitation.

The detailed conclusions and recommendations of the OSCE visit will be presented in a report to be prepared in about six months.

The OSCE has been conducting such study visits since 2011, with the aim of identifying good practices and challenges in the fight against trafficking in human beings. This was the first time that the OSCE conducted a fact-finding visit to Latvia.

During the visit, the OSCE experts also met with representatives from the Ministries of Justice and Welfare, the Financial Intelligence Service, the State Inspectorate for Child Rights Protection, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Legal Aid Administration, the Ombudsman’s Office of the Republic of Latvia, the Latvian Judges Training Centre, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, and the State Border Guard Service, the State Police, non-governmental organisations (MARTA Centre, Shelter “Safe House”, Latvian Safer Internet Centre), as well as with the Chairman of the Saeima Commission for Defense, Internal Affairs and Prevention of Corruption Juris Rancans and representatives of the working group coordinating the implementation of the Guidelines on Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings 2014-2020. 

It has already been reported that on 28 September 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the new Human Trafficking Prevention Plan 2021-2023, which is based on prevention, protection, prosecution and cooperation. The Plan is available at:


Prepared by:

Gunta Jansone

Ministry of the Interior

Head of Information Division

Phone: +371 67219363; 29494943
