
This week in Riga alone, two cases have been recorded in two days in which parents have neglected children. . Including one with severe consequences: a three-year-old child is in a coma at the moment after being trapped in a pond. In order to avoid a repeat of similar situations, the State Police shall invite fellow people not to pass a child in distress or unseen, and shall invite the police to report the number 110. As well as the State Police are calling on parents not to leave their offspring unattended.

On Monday 17 August, around 20.30 a.m., medics received a call to an address in Riga, where a small child had fallen into the water body. . The three-year-old child had probably been in the water for more than half an hour. On arrival at the site of the event, medics immediately launched resuscitation measures that lasted more than 40 minutes. Although the doctor's specialist brigade also managed to restore the baby's heart rate, the child was taken to the hospital in a very severe condition. The State Police was informed about what had happened.

Officials at the State Police's Riga Zemgale precinct obtained information that the three-year-old child had been left in the courtyard for several hours without adult supervision. . At the time, his mother, born in 1986, was in the apartment. The child had gone to the nearby water body where the accident had taken place.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated in relation to what happened after the second paragraph of Article 174 of the Criminal Law, concerning cruel or violent treatment of a minor, if the minor suffered physical or psychological distress and if they have been caused by persons from whom the victim is material or otherwise dependent. . The Law on such crimes provides for the deprivation of liberty for a period of up to five years or temporary deprivation of liberty, or forced labour, or fines and supervision of probation for a period of up to three years.

The State Police has transferred information regarding what has happened to the Orphan's Court for the taking of a subsequent decision. . During the investigation, the mother has adequate safety means – police supervision and ban on leaving the country. Information at the police's disposal shows that the child is still in a hospital in a coma.

Also this week, the afternoon of August 18, the Riga Regional Administration's Ķengaraga station was informed that a woman who looks dizzy and pushing a pram containing a small child was on the street in the city of Ķengarags. 

The law guards rode to the scene where they spotted a woman with a baby in a cart and a man. . The baby was only a year and eight months old. There was also another man in the bushes who looked like intoxicating agents. The persons refused to perform the expert-examination, but their visual signs indicated that they were under the influence of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Medics, who also provided medical treatment, were summoned to the site of the event.

The woman born in 1985 was delivered to the police station of Ķengarags, but information on what had happened has also been transferred to the Orphan's Court and the child has been transferred to the centre of the crisis. It should be noted that the woman in general has five children, for which the father of the children has taken care.

The woman has been seen repeatedly by the police in the past, including the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the use of alcohol, as well as various types of theft. . Similarly, in 2014, a criminal proceeding was launched against a woman on low-incidence violence.  

In this case, an administrative process on drug use has been initiated against the woman, as well as a resoric test which will assess the woman's responsibility for the child. .

The national police thank the citizens who saw what was happening and informed the responsible authorities. . Nor are the law guards calling on other fellow men to pass, seeing a child in trouble or failing to take proper care of . In such or similar cases, police are asked to report immediately, calling the phone number 110. Just so, we can all fix the misfortune together!


Prepared by:

Ance Rote

National police

Public relations departments

senior specialist

Phone. . 67075095

Mob. . R. 20269131