
Tuesday, August 25, at .10 .00 The practical training organised by the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) will take place in Rīga Krustpils Street 22, in cooperation with the State stock company Latvijas railways, during which the elimination of the leakage of a dangerous chemical and the consequences thereof on the railway will be played out.

In practical training, the situation of leakage of a chemical (diesel) in one of the tank railway's compositional tanks will be inferred. . As part of the training, fire hazards and hazards to the environment will be avoided.

The aim of these practical training is to test the skills of firefighters' rescuers and to train and manage rescue works in the event of leakage of dangerous chemicals. There will be a number of operational vehicles going to the training site, so we call on citizens not to worry when they see the movement of operational techniques! The VUGD apologises to the citizens for the burdens and potential worry caused by the movement of operational transport.

Prepared by: Prevention and Public Information Division