
As the number of violations of the state border, border zone and border regime at the external borders increases, the State Border Guard recalls - in order to stay in the border zone, persons from the age of 15 need a special pass issued by the Border Guard.

This year, 464 violators of the state border, border strip and border regime have been detected, including 233 persons without special passes, while last year 426 violators of the state border, border strip and border regime, including 176 persons without special passes, were detected.

We remind you that in accordance with the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers, a border strip no more than 2 kilometers wide has been determined along the external land border of the Republic of Latvia. In order to stay in the border zone along the state border of the Republic of Latvia - Russian Federation and the state border of the Republic of Latvia - Republic of Belarus, persons from the age of 15 need a special pass issued by the State Border Guard.

In accordance with the amendments to the Law on the State Border of the Republic of Latvia, which entered into force on 29 December 2015, the legal framework has changed, which stipulates that passes may not be printed or carried, as State Border Guard officials can check their existence in their database. In this case, however, the person must take into account that he or she may be delayed until the border guard checks the fact of issuing the pass in the database.

The State Border Guard invites to request and receive special passes electronically using the e-service on the unified service portal «Application and receipt of special passes and registration certificates of the border zone». An application for a special pass can also be submitted to any structural unit of the State Border Guard.

The State Border Guard also reminds that a person staying at the border has a duty to keep with him or her and, at the request of an official of the State Border Guard, to present a document certifying the person's identity and right to reside in the Republic of Latvia.

Article 36 of the State Border Law of the Republic of Latvia stipulates that a warning or a fine of up to one hundred fine units shall be applied for violation of the regime of the state border, state border zone, border zone, border or border crossing point.



Prepared by: Jolanta Babiško,

Senior Specialist, Strategic Development and Public Relations Division, Central Border Guard Head Office, tel. 67075617, mob. 20364206, e-mail: