Press information

On 13 August, the Cabinet of Ministers issued an order on the transfer of State movable property to Ukraine free of charge, thus supporting the initiative of the State Police to transfer 30 vehicles and equipment to the National Police of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the Task Force of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The National Police is following the current situation in Ukraine and is in contact with the National Police of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the Task Force of the National Guard of Ukraine. Having assessed the requests for assistance received, the State Police has decided to support these Ukrainian institutions, which are currently working in unprecedented war conditions.

The transfer of the vehicles to Ukraine will not create the need to purchase new vehicles for the State Police. The vehicles to be transferred have significant mileage and technical wear, but are in satisfactory technical condition.

The transportation of the material and technical means to Ukraine and their transfer to Ukrainian institutions will be carried out by the foundation “Entrepreneurs for Peace”, with which the State Police has concluded a cooperation agreement. The foundation will also cover the transportation expenses.


Prepared by:

Ministry of the Interior

Communication Department