VDD aiztur personu

On 18 July 2022 VDD referred a case to the Prosecutor’s Office to initiate criminal prosecution against a person for espionage in the interests of a Belarusian military intelligence service.

It has already been reported that the above-mentioned Belarusian citizen was detained by VDD in close cooperation with the Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIDD) on 15 February this year on suspicion of the criminal offence pursuant to Section 85 of the Criminal Law, i.e. espionage.

During the investigation it has been determined that the person on behalf of the Belarusian military intelligence service has covertly photographed and filmed objects of the Latvian defense system, critical infrastructure objects for electricity supply, as well as significant civil infrastructure objects. Information obtained by VDD during the investigation indicates that the person has obtained intelligence regarding at least 17 nationally important objects.

In the assessment of VDD, such information could be useful for Belarus, as well as its ally Russia, in case of possible military conflict with NATO, including with Latvia, in order to plan diversions or attacks on military objects and critical infrastructure of the country. Thus, information obtained illegally by the person and transferred to the Belarusian military intelligence service could potentially cause significant damage to the provision of basic functions and defense capabilities of the Latvian state in circumstances of a military conflict.

In the course of the investigation it was established that the Belarusian citizen was recruited and trained for the secret cooperation in the territory of Belarus.

VDD recalls that no person is considered guilty until their guilt is proven in accordance to the law.
Information prepared by VDD
Illustrative photo, VDD