
In preparation for the new school year, the National Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) calls on parents and educators to discuss safety-related issues with pupils – what needs to be done to prevent fire-accident and how to act in the event of an accident that has occurred and needs help. . We also call on students and teachers to remember about fire safety so that the time of the tense studies does not eclipse the fires!

Unfortunately, statistics show that children die and suffer from fires. . Last year 57 children were rescued in the fires, 17 were injured and three children died. I. One child has also died in the fire this year. . Ignorance and reckless behaviour often lead to tragic cases which could also be avoided by timely care for safety.

How to proceed in the event of an accident and when to call 112!

Often in times of trouble, not only children, but also adults are confused and they don't know how to do the right thing and where to call for help. . Adults should discuss with children the behaviour of accidents – discuss where 112 is to be called and what information should be provided by calling – and discuss possible behaviour in situations where accidents have occurred but no telephone is available – then the nearest adult should be searched for and reported about what has happened.

It is important for children to be told and aware that every accident needs to be reported immediately, since it is still possible to save both people and property. . The child needs to explain that he will not be punished for causing an accident, or at a critical moment the child will not think about how to escape himself, but about how to avoid the punishment.

How to use cookers and electrical appliances safely while staying at home without adults?

During school, there will also likely be days to be spent at home without the presence of adults. . When leaving children alone, we call on parents to make sure that children do not have to cook or warm food on the stove themselves, because by mishandling the stove or forgetting food on it and running away with friends to play, a fire can break out.

It is not always because of child-induced fires, because fires often break out because children do not know or know how to do business. . Before assigning children to work independently with a cooker or any other household appliances, VUGD suggests that parents try it with children, for example, to cook food, and only then allow the child to act independently in the kitchen.

We call for telling and reminding children how to properly charge electrical appliances, such as phones and computers, following the instructions of manufacturers and preventing devices from overheating.

Why should you remember location addresses and inform an adult about where he intends to go and how long?

The school year will be filled with both school and interest education groups and activities within friends, so parents should be taught to tell children regularly where they intend to go and with whom, and how long they will be gone. . Ask your children to remember the addresses of the most frequently visited places so that you can name your location if necessary.

Every parent should be able to answer the question where he is at the moment and what his minor child is dealing with. . This is necessary in order to enable parents to help and inform about the whereabouts of the child in cases where an accident has occurred with the child.



We encourage parents and educators to make use of the safety advice available under the Safety Board on the VUGD website to tell children about fire safety and correct emergency action:


For VUGD pupils, their parents, teachers, students and teachers, a safe and knowledge-rich new school year!

Prepared by: Prevention and Public Information Division