
! Next week, we will celebrate Līgo and Jāņi all over Latvia, when people rest in nature, swim, fire fires and grills. This year, many will have five holidays during the holidays, so the National Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) recalls basic safety rules that need to be followed so that the holidays and holidays are not eclipsed by tragic accidents.

Last year's VUGD statistics show that the holiday of the Līgo festival was tragic in 2017, two people were killed in the fires and three people were killed from water bodies, three dead people were highlighted from the water in 2018, but one man was injured last year and four of the water bodies were killed in the fire dead people.

VUGD recalls that celebrating a fun festival is not the same thing as reckless and audacious action! To celebrate the festival safely, VUGD calls for a number of tips:

When celebrating, remember to keep a safe distance!

Although the country's emergency is over and small events are allowed, consider carefully whether you need to visit – if you decide to celebrate the festival in a wider circle, take a safe distance from other festivities, and take care of hand disinfection.

Remember the address where you go to celebrate the festivities!

Going to the celebration sites, it is important to find out in advance which county or parish will be celebrated by the name of the nearest stops or houses. If an accident occurs and there is a need for help from medics, police officers or fire rescuers, the operational services will be able to arrive much more quickly if they are given an exact location.

You should choose a place carefully when you are burning bonfires! 

It should be fueled at a safe distance from buildings, trees and fences, so that the sparks and heat of the wind do not burn adjacent objects and buildings. We recommend putting stones around the fire site or burying around the ground so that the fire does not spread across the dry grass. Do not burn municipal waste, plastic bottles and tyres in the fire – it will not only create black smoke and odours but also threaten the health of the weirers. In the heat of the celebration, safety must not be forgotten – the VUGD recommends that a bucket of water be placed next to the fire so that the fire can be extinguished if necessary.

Take precautions when grilling!

Grills must be located at a safe distance from buildings, trees and shelters, and on a stable surface. The grill must be heated correctly: initially, the fuel must be sprayed with a specifically designed liquid for this purpose, wait for it to be soaked, lighted carefully, and then bake meat on it. This work must certainly not be entrusted to small children!

The safety of children is a priority – they need to be carefully looked after!

Call on parents to look after their children carefully! We will always remember about the safety of children when we are preparing for holidays and vacationing. For children, festivals always seem more special and meaningful than for adults, and often they also think they can do what they can't do everyday. If you rest on farms, private courtyards or water bodies, you should remember that small holidaymakers should always be kept in the eye, careful not to think of any dangerous activity. Children must be entrusted with an obligation to avoid time-wasting: small weirdermen are nimble wreathmen and table-decks. Lighting a campfire and roasting meat should be in terms of adults!

You're banned from drinking alcohol near water!

VUGD recalls that careless handling of water and alcohol can lead to a tragedy! In 2019, four people were killed on the Līgo holiday! Let us not go swimming or boating if you are under the influence of alcohol. Bathing and force must be carefully evaluated before you go swimming! The fact that you can swim furthest or swim the river is not worth it to risk life. On the other hand, when riding a boat or other watercraft, we call for a life-jacket, and children under the age of 12 must be wearing a life-jacket.

Do not participate in road traffic under the influence!

Every year, on the holiday of the Līgo festival, firefighters are also rushing to road accidents in order to remove injured people from cars in distress, to delete cars and to carry out other rescue work. Do not expose your life to the dangers of others – do not sit under the influence of alcohol at the wheel. If a road accident has occurred, call 112 immediately!

VUGD calls on citizens not to forget about safety during the festival, so that reckless and reckless conduct does not lead to the end of the festival tragically! If, however, there has been a fire or an accident threatening the life or health of your or your fellow people, call the single emergency call number 112 immediately!

Prepared by: VUGD Prevention and Public Information Division