
To talk about the State Border Guard, the service and the possibilities to go on a mission to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency FRONTEX, the Europe Direct Information Center in Eastern Latgale in cooperation with the State Border Guard College is organizing a webinar "Europe that protects. How to become a border guard and work for FRONTEX?" on July 22.

The vebinar will tell more about the possibilities of service at the State Border Guard, the former border guards of Frontex will be told of their experience.

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, was founded in 2004 to help EU Member States and Schengen associated countries to protect the external borders of the EU's free movement area. Frontex, as an EU agency, is funded by the EU budget, as well as by contributions from the Schengen associated countries to the budget. By 2020, the Agency employs around 1000 staff, almost a quarter of whom have been seconded from the Member States and will return to its national service after the end of their term of office.

FRONTEX is an operational agency with more than 1500 staff from Member States deployed simultaneously throughout the EU. To improve its ability to keep up with new and rapidly changing circumstances, the FRONTEX Situation Center, which is responsible for monitoring external borders, now operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

More information about the possibilities to become a border guard on the website of the State Border Guard College.


The discussion is moderated by Diāna Selecka, Assistant Director of Europe Direct in Eastern Latgale.

13:00-13:05 Introductory remarks by Diana Selecka, Assistant Manager of Europe Direct East Latgale.

13:05-13:20 The role and activities of the Latvian State Border Guard within the FRONTEX agency, career opportunities for CEC graduates in FRONTEX activities - Lieutenant Colonel Jurijs Skorodihins, Head of the Joint Operations Division of the European Union Affairs Office.

13:20-13:40 Work of Border Guard seafarers within FRONTEX - Lieutenant Colonel Raimonds Garais, Deputy Head of the SRS Ventspils Department (Maritime Affairs) and Senior Lieutenant Igors Beļaks, Head of the Gulf Division of the Maritime Border Surveillance Service of the SRS Ventspils Department.

13:40-13:55 Experience of the specialists of the Aviation Department of the State Border Guard FRONTEX - Lieutenant Colonel Raimonds Liepiņš, Head of the Aviation Service of the Aviation Administration

14:05-14:15 CEC Cynology Center - European level center. Video about Cynology Center.

14:15-14:32 In Latvia for professional personnel service State prepared by the State Border Guard College, located in Rēzekne. (video)

14:32-14:30 Video about study and study opportunities at the State Border Guard College and further career opportunities at the State Border Guard.

14:30- 14:35 Video from the CEC cadet field camp in Janapole.

14:35-14:36 Graduates of the State Border Guard College, gaining service experience in Latvia, successfully compete with border guards of other countries and have proven their professionalism in the international environment.

14:42- 14:50 RTA - FRONTEX University. Career opportunities after studies Establishment of RTA and a new FRONTEX unit - Lecturer Lieutenant Colonel Juris Madžuls, Department of Border Guard and Immigration Services.

14:50-15:00 Answers to questions, summary.



The information was prepared by:
Diāna Selecka, 
Assistant Director of Europe Direct Information Center in Eastern Latgale, 