
Officials of the Criminal Investigation Board of the State Police are actively engaged in the field of combating the illegal circulation of firearms on a daily basis. The progress of the work is reported from time to time, with the exception of a significant amount of illicit explosives and weapons. Once again, law enforcement officers processed information received for several months on the possible illicit trafficking of firearms, ammunition and explosives, which resulted in the seizure of a significant amount of firearms, their essential components, explosives and explosive devices.

One of the priorities of the Criminal Investigation Board of the State Police is to combat the illegal circulation of firearms. Every year there is a constant control and a series of investigative activities. This time was no exception - law enforcement officers obtained information about persons who may be involved in the illegal movement of firearms, their essential components, ammunition and blasting devices in Riga, Liepaja, Baldone region, Dobele region, Jaunjelgava region and Daugavpils region. Four criminal proceedings were immediately initiated under Section 233, Paragraph two of the Criminal Law, namely, for the manufacture, repair, storage or sale of a firearm, essential components of a firearm, firearm ammunition, high-energy pneumatic weapon.

As a result of the investigation and operational activities, the persons involved - men born in 1957, 1962, 1963, 1970, 1978 - as well as the locations of illegally stored objects were identified. During the criminal investigation, several searches of apartments and private homes were carried out and three pistols, two revolvers, 15 carbines, 32 essential components of firearms, 2,094 ammunition, one hand grenade, 42 explosive devices, 508 explosive device components and four kilograms of explosives were seized.

Investigations in criminal proceedings are ongoing.

Combating the illicit movement of firearms is not only a matter of identifying the current storage of weapons and their components, but also of an important fight against their keepers, thus preventing the existing security risks for the public. It is very important to take various measures to combat the illicit trade in firearms, as the possible consequences of their realization can also be irreversible.

The State Police recalls that persons who voluntarily hand over a firearm, essential component of a firearm, firearm ammunition, high-energy pneumatic weapon, explosive or explosive device, or a gas pistol (revolver) manufactured without a permit, or their ammunition shall be released from criminal liability if the activities of the person do not constitute another criminal offense.

The State Police also urges residents not to be indifferent and to report possible storage locations for illegal weapons by calling 67075287, 67075366, 110 or writing to e-mail:



Prepared by:
Elīna Priedīte
State Police
Public relations departments
senior specialist
Tel. 67075093, 29600629