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On December 18, the Cabinet of Ministers (CoM) approved the 2024-2027 Integrated Border Management Plan of the Republic of Latvia (Plan). The plan aims to strengthen national border security and overall internal security, as well as to enhance the return of third-country nationals who lack a legal basis to stay in Latvia and other European Union member states.

The Plan includes fifteen action lines, with a total of 82 actions.

The Plan has been developed to ensure the full implementation of the integrated management approach at the Latvian state border over a four-year period. It also aims to achieve the principles and objectives of integrated management, which are derived from European Union legislation and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) regulations and are to be implemented in Latvia.

The Plan provides a close link between the measures included in the policy planning and strategic documents at the European Union level and at the national level to achieve the objectives at the national level, in order to build a common, comprehensive and sustainable Integrated Border Management (IBM) system in Latvia and to strengthen the European Integrated Border Management (EIBM).

The IBM aims to establish a strategic, operational and tactical framework to facilitate legal border crossings, effectively prevent unauthorised crossing of external borders, enhance the effectiveness of return, detect and prevent cross-border crime, effectively cooperate with third countries, register and support persons in need of assistance or applying for international protection.

The IBM also aims to innovate and develop a modern technology-compatible external border infrastructure, as well as to implement good governance.

The Plan envisions that, in the coming years, an increasing level of cooperation and trust will be established between partner institutions in the field of Integrated Border Management (IBM). It also aims to strengthen the capacity of the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) National Coordination Centre to effectively perform its functions, and ensure the timely revision and improvement of existing action plans for emergency situations, including those related to return and international protection.

The Plan also includes measures to enhance the recruitment of State Border Guard personnel and their competitiveness in the labor market, improve the working environment, and align the remuneration and social guarantees of State Border Guard officers with those of the National Armed Forces (NAF).

In the field of IBM, there will be research on the latest technological trends, issues, and threats, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence applications, unmanned aerial vehicles and their countermeasures, and radio and electromagnetic wave detection systems for portable equipment.

It is also planned to ensure high quality and productive cooperation in the production and exchange of criminal intelligence, operational and analytical information. Priority will also be given to ensuring a package of measures for the full implementation of the Pact on Migration and Asylum, as well as faster and more efficient return procedures.

Importantly, the Plan also provides for adequate training in fundamental rights for all staff involved in border and immigration control functions.

In 2024 and 2025, the measures outlined in the Plan will be implemented using the allocated budget funds. In 2026 and 2027, the need for additional state budget allocations will be considered during the budget review process, along with priority measures submitted by all ministries and central government institutions, based on the financial capacity of the state budget.

The Latvian State Border Security Coordination Council, chaired by the Minister of the Interior, will ensure the implementation of the Plan, while the Ministry of the Interior is the coordinating body for the implementation of the IBM Plan, which regularly monitors the implementation of the measures and organises activities to promote and explain the IBM Plan 2024-2027 both to the institutions involved and to the public.

Prepared by:
Ministry of the Interior
Communication Department